January 8, 2024
04 January 2024
Dear Parents and Carers
Measles (MMR) Vaccine Reminder
There is an increasing number of people with measles in Birmingham. Most of these are young children who have not had their MMR (measles) vaccine.
Measles is a highly infectious disease, which can be very serious. Two doses of the MMR vaccine is the best protection against measles. Over 80% of Birmingham children and adults have had the MMR vaccine. We need everyone protected.
The MMR vaccine is safe for every faith. There is a type of MMR vaccine that does not contain pork gelatine, so it can be used for people who do not touch any pork products. This vaccine is available at every GP practice, and it is free.
Please contact your GP to book an appointment for Measles (MMR) vaccine.
Children and adults can catch up on any missed vaccines. Children should have the first dose at 1 year old and the second dose at 3 years and 4 months old. Two doses of the MMR can provide life-long immunity.
Anyone unvaccinated who is exposed to someone with measles may be advised to isolate for 3 weeks. This would disrupt their learning or work and could happen repeatedly.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Mary Orhewere MBBS MPH FFPH
Assistant Director, Public Health Division, Birmingham City Council
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