Changes to transition day and parents evening due to teacher strikes

Dear Parents,

As you may have seen there are a further 2 days of teacher strikes planned on the 5th and 7th July. As of yet we are not sure which classes this will effect but will inform you in due course.

This does mean that the transition day and parents evening needs to change. This is a decision that has been made by the city.

Children will spend the day in their new classes on Wednesday 12th July. All of our current pupils will go to their new class teams and will meet new pupils and teachers. Our current year 11 pupils will have a different activity in school on that day if they are not attending their next placement.

As you will be aware we usually offer a parents meet and greet on this day in place of a formal parents evening, this is an opportunity for you to meet the new class team and see the classroom. Apologies for the letter that was sent out last week – this was done in error.

The transition meet and greet parents evening will be on Tuesday 11th July and will be an informal opportunity for you to drop in and see the new classroom and speak to the team. This will now be on Tuesday 11th July.  There is no need to book an appointment, you can just pop in any time between 3:30pm and 5:30pm.  This will not apply to current year 11 pupils.

School reports will be sent home on Friday 7th July.

Once again, apologies for any confusion, to summarise:

Transition parents evening is Tuesday 11th July 3:30pm – 5:30pm

(no appointments necessary)

School based transition is Wednesday 12th July

(school as usual, pupils will spend the day in their new class for September)

If you have any queries or specific concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your understanding.

Best wishes

Emma Pearce