Careers and Work Skills

The careers advisor at The Pines is Alex Lawrence.

Contact Details:


Telephone: 0121 464 6136

The school is supported by Marie Wilkes from Wilmot Dixon who is our Enterprise Advisor and Jackie Plimmer from BEP who is our Enterprise Coordinator.

At the Pines School, careers education and work related learning is personalized to the needs of the children within the different pathways. We are ambitious for all children and ensure all children have a range of experiences of work related learning across secondary and we aim to raise aspirations for all students and their families. Careers and work related learning is threaded throughout the curriculum and more information can be found below. We are committed to ensure all children are suitably prepared for their next stage in education or employment and work closely with children and families to ensure all leavers have a plan for their next step when they leave the Pines at the end of year 11. Every child will have access to independent careers advice through The Birmingham Careers Service and will have a careers plan written for them.

Post 16 Destinations

Post 16 Destinations
